Being Thankful This Thanksgiving

I'm thankful to have in my life the most wonderful man. I've married the perfect person. He's my penguin, my soul mate. He keeps me grounded even when he's not trying. Corrects me when I'm wrong, and praises me when I'm right. Helps brighten a gloomy day. I still get nervous and butterflies at times, like were still dating. Jason just doesn't realise how thankful i am to be married to him, and that I get to spend the rest of our lives together. I couldn't of found a more perfect man.
I'm thankful for my family, both by blood and marriage. For the members alive and that have passed. Just having you in our life has made an imprint. Being able to lean on each other through the hard time and the good. Knowing that know matter what they will always have your back.  
I'm thankful for jobs, without them Jason and I wouldn't be able to do what we love. Our lives aren't perfect but we're comfortable where we are at. We have good coworkers, bosses, and customers. Without them we wouldn't be where we are now.
I'm thankful for our good health. Besides the common cold, Jason's Kidney Stones and my skin condition. We both are in healthy, and thats what really counts.
I'm thankful for our pets, while most people don't understand this. Their love is unconditional and never judging. They bring so much joy into our lives, and I am glad we have them. 
Lastly I'm thankful for our subscribers and readers. You let us know that we're doing something right. You give us advice, your opinions, and ideas. We love each and every one of you and continue to grow because of you.

Jamie Koenig

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