Dear Friday

I've been a chipper mood this week. I chalk that up to my favorite t.v. shows starting back and being very productive in the home front. Hell even the people around me are in a good mood (Bloggers, Family, & Coworkers). All this positive energy is great for the last week of the month.

I'll add that I'm typing this post on three cups of coffee so EVERYTHING is chipper right about now.

Last Friday Jason and I went to see Jeff Dunham Live. I tried to get some photos of Jason and myself but unfortunately I'm not a pro at the selfies with my cell phone.

As always Mr. Dunham never disappoints. It was a great show and had us laughing till the end. The in-laws did great for this years Christmas gift, Jason and I will always remember this show looking back. I seriously lucked out and got some amazing in-laws when I married Jason. (I'm not ass kissing when I say that, I really mean jelly)

There's some things that I've found on the AMAZING Internet that I've been looking at over and over this week. One because they make me giggle like a two year old and second my nerd side just shines with pride every time I watch it.

Saturday's yard selling adventure with Jason was an experience. I've yet to determine if it was good or bad. Its great having him come with so we could spend more time together, but the down side is there's less room in my car for treasures. Jason's starting to get more into our little furniture upcycle hobby, in hopes that we could sell some of the finished products. All this started from our distressed dresser I got tons of emails wanting to know if it was for sell. The one problem with us starting to sell our upcycles is Normally after a piece is finished...I don't want to part with it. I am 100% sure it needs to stay with us...Oh I'll find a spot for that sucker.

Our scores for this weekend were these.

- A Belt Sander for $10
- Work Pants & Skirts
- Stone Ware Party Serving set
- Extra Tall kid/dog gate
- Books on my favorite president Abraham Lincoln
- Blooming Onion Cutter & Directions

Its funny that we had a complete list of things we were looking for while out yard selling. And as always you never find what you're looking for, but come home happy with what you did get.

How did I ever live without this Blooming Onion cutter BTW!!!

We do have some amazing plans for this weekend though. I'm pretty sure Jason will be bribed to build a few things for the Guest room using stuff around the house. I'll be cooking something new in the crock pot to help persuade him. 

Last weeks crock pot creation was stuff mozzarella meatballs.

It looks as delicious as it tasted. We'll let Jason continue to think I came up with this mouthwatering creation when in reality Betty Crocker is the master mind. I'm lucky to think of a new topping for the hot dogs & Hamburger nights we have twice a week. (Ain't nothing wrong with hot dog and hamburgers for dinner.) Heck some nights I've been known to step up the cuisine with Tomato soup and a ham sandwich. One step at a time becoming the perfect housewife...psssh!

We're slowly starting on the Guest Bedroom and are maybe 25% done. I wanted to get a head start because it takes me FOREVER to write these blog posts. If you're looking for a little sneak peak here's one.

The first post for this room will be out Feb 3. & it's a two projects in one post type thing.

I think I'll leave off on this note. Here's hoping you all had a lovely week and next week is filled with awesome sauce.

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